What is Sabbath Life?
Sabbath Life is an hour-long Catholic Lectio Divina & Visio Divina prayer program that provides teens the opportunity to pray, learn and reflect with the Sunday liturgy and new media. Our program incorporates activities and exercises to expand and apply teenage understanding of liturgical lessons and emphasizes quiet time in Eucharistic adoration to encourage personal reflection and divine contemplation.
Who is Sabbath Life for?
In our experience, the program is best suited for high school students who seek a deeper and more intimate relationship with Christ.
What does Sabbath Life cost?
Nothing! Our desire was to share what we built with any Catholic youth ministers at no cost to you.
How can I bring Sabbath Life to my parish?
Start a conversation. Talk with your youth minister or pastor about the program and see what the options are for your parish. Chances are with the people (you) and the program (us) already willing and ready, you just need permission, a day, a time, a space, and the opportunity to promote it. Make a phone call or send an email today!
Can I order printed materials?
In order to share this program at no cost to you, we only have a digital version of the materials available. All materials are available in printable PDFs for your convenience.
Do you have materials for next school year?
Currently available are the materials for the 2017-2018 school year. We call this Year 1 (Cycle A/B) as the traditional school year overlaps two liturgical years in the Catholic Church. Year 2 (Cycle B/C) will be available in advance of the 2018-2019 school year.
How do I communicate to others what this program is all about?
Sabbath Life gives teens the opportunity to encounter Christ. The Catholic Church offers beautiful opportunities to truly encounter the Lord through the Word, images and His true presence in the Eucharist, and we hope to bring these opportunities to teens at their level so they might incorporate them into their lives. The program is designed to focus participant attention on the liturgy for the upcoming Sunday, allowing for them to reflect on Christ's lessons for us throughout the whole week.