LECTIO & VISIO DIVINA (the stepping stones of this prayer)
Opening Prayer ("calling") – Call on the Holy Spirit.
Seeing (visio) – Look at an image which corresponds to the Gospel and notice what about the image makes an impact and why.
Reflection (adoratio) – Make a brief corresponding prayer of adoration and further petition.
Reading (lectio) – Read the Gospel and notice which words make an impact and why.
Meditation/Contemplation (meditatio/contemplatio) – Relate personally to the Gospel messages and, in partnership with God, try to see everything through His eyes.
Response (oratio) – Share your responses and break open the Gospel messages to reveal God's inspirations, invitations and directions.
Action (actio) – Commit to living with, in and for God's beauty and truth: Make practical resolutions. Act creatively. Let your faith bear love.
Closing Prayer ("offering") – Offer your body as a living sacrifice. (Rom 12:1)